“Southern” and “Northern” Bows in the “Hunting weapons” Collection of the State Darwin Museum Articles
An Attempt of Hermeneutic Approach to Solve a Problem, Concerning the Interpretation of Indian Historical Weapons as Signs-Objects of Traditional Culture Articles
An officer’s Fate. Junior Captain A.G.Erkudov’s small sword with an award badge of the Order of St. Anne Articles
Chemical composition of blades as an attributing feature for bulat steels of the Indo-Persian region of the 17th-19th centuries Articles
Concerning orders of arms of Tula production for the Caucasian Line Cossack Host ranks in the 1840’s Articles
For Stabbing or for Cutting? The Ways of Dagger Use by the Caucasus Peoples in the 19th century Articles
Kubachi arms in Russian Museum of Ethnography. Part 1: Items acquired for the museum by E. M. Shilling Articles
On blades of daggers and shashkas used by the Terek Cossack Host in the late 19th to early 20th centuries Articles
On ceremonial arms of Russian sovereigns’ pilgrimages in the last quarter of the 17th century Articles
On the Dagger belonged to Timothy Jaschik, the Bodyguard Cossack in the Emperor Nikolas II and the Empress Maria Fjodorovna Service Articles
On the Possible Functionality of a Mingrelian Stabbing Dagger in the Light of Analysis of Documented Precedents of Dagger Fighting Articles
Private orders for kindjal and shashka blades of the Kuban Cossack Host from Zlatoust arms factory in the late 19th and early 20th centuries Articles
Reconstruction of the Mounted Swordsmanship System According to “Rules and Regulations for the Sword Exercise of the Cavalry” With the Use of the Original Pattern 1796 Light Cavalry Sword Articles
Revisiting the Russian Weapons from Crucible Steel in the 17th Century (a case study of the former archive of the Armoury Chamber) Articles
Russian Combat Knives of XIV–XVII Centuries: Classification Error and Authentic Artefacts of the Kremlin Armoury Collection Articles
Saber Blades and Pole Arms with “Rolling Pearls” in the Collection of the Moscow Kremlin Museums Articles
Specifity of Identification of the Materials, Used for Oriental Edged Weapons Handles Manufacturing, as well as Pieces of Applied Arts, Made of Rhinoceros Horn Articles
Studying of Persian and Indian Miniature as Primary Source for Weapon History Research (methodological aspects) Articles
The Barrel Department and the Kremlin Armoury. Military Arms Manufacture at the Moscow Velvet Yard in 1700–1707 Articles
The Origins and Appurtenance of Richly Ornamented Weapons Transferred from the Ministry of Defense of the USSR to the Armoury Chamber in 1955 Articles
The sabre of Ibrahim Pasha, the Kaffa serasker, as a relic of the Russo-Turkish War (1768-1775) Articles
Vietnamese Bladed Melee Weapon of 19th – first half 20th Century. The Problems of Attribution Articles
Western Georgia Broadswords and Sabers with Sloping Hilt without a Crossguard and Their Place in the Evolution of Caucasus Weapons with Long Blade Articles
An annotated translation and description of an untitled Persian archery manuscript written by al-Abdolrāji Abu Torāb al-Musavi al-Qad Makāhi on a day of Jumada al-Thani, the year 1114 (November 1702) Articles