Samgin S. (2016). Kratkij obzor sovetskoj shashki obrazca 1927 goda [A Brief Review of the Soviet Cavalry Sword of 1927 Year Pattern]. Istoricheskoe oruzhievedenie [Weapons History Journal], № 4, pp. 37 — 50. Samgin S. Abstract: Despite the large number of samples of the soviet cavalry sword of 1927 year pattern year pattern, preserved in the museums and private collections, the history and features of this Russian long-bladed weapon have been studied poorly. The little available information is scattered across the focused primary sources, which were put out in limited editions though, and electronic media. The present situation obstructs not only the studying of the weapon history, but even the attribution of several its systems. The main idea of this review is to summarize and systematize all the available information on this weapon. The review includes the general data on the cavalry sword of 1927 year pattern, the structural dynamics, its…