Fates of museologists and museum items. To the biography of K. Z. Kavtaradze
Neratova E.I. (2023). Sud’by muzejshhikov i muzejnyh predmetov. K biografii K. Z. Kavtaradze [Fates of museologists and museum items. To the biography of K. Z. Kavtaradze]. Istoricheskoe oruzhievedenie [Weapons History Journal], № 12, pp. 223 — 262. Neratova E. I. Abstract: This article is an attempt to show that circumstances affect not only fates of countries and people… but also fates of museum objects. And in this regard, the author presents four items of Caucasian arms (one dagger and three sabers), as well as describes the error that occurred during the registration of three of them in the museum collection and restores the collector’s name – Konstantin Zurabovich Kavtaradze (1879 – 1941). The fate of K.Z. Kavtaradze himself was quite unusual: a talented portrait painter, an art teacher who successfully tried himself in dental prosthetics, a creator of anthropological mannequins of the Ethnographic Department of the Russian Museum (now Russian…