A Center of Gunmaking in Iran

Khorasani M.M., Shafeian H. (2015). A Center of Gunmaking in Iran. Istoricheskoe oruzhievedenie [Weapons History Journal], № 2, pp. 120 — 144. Khorasani M. Shafeian H.  Abstract: Persian manuscripts on firearms reveal valuable information on casting bronze cannons, using rockets in warfare, the function of howitzers, mortars and cannons, cannon formation, etc. The barrels of Persian muskets show a variety of beautiful patterns of welded steel. But there are almost no period Persian manuscripts which report about the making of these beautiful pattern welded steel barrels and also their corresponding names in Persian. There is one Persian manuscript titled Tārix-e Delgošā-ye Ewaz (The Delightful History of Ewaz) which provides valua-ble information on some types of welded steel patterns. The following article deals with the chapter on firearms in the mentioned manuscript. Keywords: Persian guns, Persian muskets, pattern, welded steel, crucible steel, patterned crucible steel, patterns of welded steel on barrels, Ewaz…

Two 18th Century Sabers of the Balkan Origin from the Collection of Poltava Regional Museum

Toichkin D. (2015). Dve sabli balkanskogo proishozhdenija XVIII v. iz kollekcii Poltavskogo oblastnogo kraevedcheskogo muzeja [Two 18th Century Sabers of the Balkan Origin from the Collection of Poltava Regional Museum]. Istoricheskoe oruzhievedenie [Weapons History Journal], № 2, pp. 109 — 119. Toichkin D. Abstract: The saber occupies a prominent position in the history of the Ukrainian Cossacks. This weapon having come to stay firmly and decisively on the territory of The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, already in the 16th century was used not only as a true arm but also as a sign of a definite social standing. The saber was an essential element of a uniform and a full dress, a symbol of family- and self-respect, a marker of high material status, and, finally, a luxury good and remunerable investment. It was the saber having been praised in folk songs and poetry that for centuries preserved a position of a favored…

“Non-standard” Soviet Cavalry Swords of the 1927 Year Pattern

Samgin S. (2015). Nestandartnye sovetskie shashki obr. 1927 g. [Two 18th Century Sabers of the Balkan Origin from the Collection of Poltava Regional Museum]. Istoricheskoe oruzhievedenie [Weapons History Journal], № 2, pp. 102 — 108. Samgin S. Abstract: A soviet cavalry sword of the 1927 year pattern was one of the last models of fighting long-bladed weapon, sharing the place with a polish saber of 1934 version and another soviet cavalry sword of 1940 year pattern designed for the combatant commanding stuff. The history of the weapon was not limited with Zlatoust and its service in the Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army though. This cavalry sword was manufactured for 18 years (from 1928 to 1946), mostly at the plant in Zlatoust. During this time the construction of the cavalry sword wasn’t considerably changed, and today the most differences presume the materials (metals) being used for its manufacturing, decoration scheme of the…

The Question of the Relevance of the Term “Karud”

Miloserdov D. (2015).  K voprosu o pravomochnosti ispol’zovanija termina «karud» [The Question of the Relevance of the Term “Karud”]. Istoricheskoe oruzhievedenie [Weapons History Journal], № 2, pp. 88 — 101. Miloserdov D. Abstract:  The article deals with a combat knife now known as karud which is common in the Northern India, Afghanistan and les frequently in Central Asia. The knife blade is straight (though sometimes it could have a slight curve) with T-shape cross-section. The back wedge is also straight and sometimes decorated with a delicate chiseling. Its long massive and thick blade accurately terminating to the handle part rapidly widens in two centimeters to the handle which is usually very heavy. The handle consists of two grip panels that in Afghanistan are usually made of horn ornamented with grooves. This knife differs vividly from another combat knife called pish-kabz which was widestread in Central Asia, Iran and Northern India.…

On the Question of Jamdhar Dagger Emergence in the Weapons Complex of the Mughals

Kurochkin A. (2015). K voprosu o pojavlenii kinzhala dzhamdhar v oruzhejnom komplekse [On the Question of Jamdhar Dagger Emergence in the Weapons Complex of the Mughals]. Istoricheskoe oruzhievedenie [Weapons History Journal], № 2, pp. 80 — 87. Kurochkin A. Abstract: The article is devoted to the circumstances by which the borrowing of probably the outstanding Indian weapon, the jamdhar dagger, by the Mughals could take place. As a result the genealogically Indian weapon became one of the most important attribute of the ruling class. Conquerors are well known to bring their own culture complex that includes the weapon one as well which is of high elitist status. The status of vanquished military complex is a priori low and it is usually left without attention by the new ruling class. The culture of the vanquished can’t be ignored totally though as it is the basis for the community existence and its relation…

On the Possible Functionality of a Mingrelian Stabbing Dagger in the Light of Analysis of Documented Precedents of Dagger Fighting

Kiziria V. (2015). O vozmozhnoj funkcional’noj prinadlezhnosti mingrel’skogo kinzhala v svete analiza zafiksirovannyh precedentov kinzhal’nyh [On the Possible Functionality of a Mingrelian Stabbing Dagger in the Light of Analysis of Documented Precedents of Dagger Fighting]. Istoricheskoe oruzhievedenie [Weapons History Journal], № 2, pp. 63 — 79. Kiziria V. Abstract:The author makes an attempt to put a type of a Mingrelian stabbing dagger of the 19th century in the cultural context. It is done on the basis of the historical data and specific circumstances of putting into practice both stabbing and cutting in the Caucasus communities, as well as on the experience of modern reconstruction of possible ways of the dagger use in a close fight. Historically the stabbing and the cutting were differentiated in the Caucasus cultural tradition. In the fights between the members of the community the stabbing, as a more mortal blow, was prohibited while the cutting was…

On the Manufacturing of the Sabers and Swords in the Pavlovsk Steelworker’s District

Zavorotko I. (2015). O proizvodstve sabel’ i shashek v Pavlovskom staleslesarnom [On the Manufacturing of the Sabers and Swords in the Pavlovsk Steelworker’s District]. Istoricheskoe oruzhievedenie [Weapons History Journal], № 2, pp. 53 — 62. Zavorotko I. Abstract: The author analyses the data on the manufacturing of arms blanch (saber and cavalry sword blades) in the Pavlovsk steelworker’s district which was a part of both Nizhniy Novgorod and Vladimir provinces in the second half of the 19th century. The information was got from the primary sources – special and public periodic editions and catalogues of industry exhibitions organized from 1829 to 1914. Besides, the author managed to systematize the data on the types of goods in the field of arms blanch and the main producers – Varipaev, Zavjalov, Koritsev, Korobkov, Buslaev, Beljaev, Tsvetov, Kondratjev, in whose workshops saber, cavalry sword, broad sword and dagger blades were made. There were introduced…

Long-bladed Weapons of the Turkic Cavalry

Gorbunov V. (2015). Klinkovoe oruzhie tjurkskoj [Long-bladed Weapons of the Turkic Cavalry]. Istoricheskoe oruzhievedenie [Weapons History Journal], № 2, pp. 28 — 45. Gorbunov V. Abstract: The article presents twenty pieces of Turkish long-bladed weapons found during archaeological excavations in the Central Asia. Notwithstanding the small number of the discovered items, it is possible to state the long-bladed weapons to have been spread widely amongst the Turkish tribes as they were often depicted on the steles. On the basis of the analysis of the preserved samples, the author traces the main tendencies of these weapons development among the Turkish cavalry. During the formation of the Turkish ethnicity, that is 460-552 A.D., the cavalrymen were armed with straight single-edged swords with hook-like pommel and sometimes rectangular cross-guard. In the times of the first Turkish Kaganates (552-657 A.D.) there were used both single-edged and double-edged straight swords with straight handles without any…

The Unique Bronze Dagger from Primorski Territory

Dobriden S., Barczewski S. (2015). Unikal’nyj bronzovyj kinzhal iz Primor’ja [The Unique Bronze Dagger from Primorski Territory]. Istoricheskoe oruzhievedenie [Weapons History Journal], № 2, pp. 46 — 52. Dobriden S. Barczewski S. Abstract: The article is devoted to the unique bronze dagger of antenna type which was found in Primorski Territory. Its dimensions, weight, and decoration are presented in details. The dagger’s handle was provided with the so called “antenna pommel” that is formed by two withstood heads of griffins, birds or other beasts. The appearance of this type handles is explained as the influence of Scythian-Siberian animal style on the territory of the Chinese province of Ljaonin and the Korean peninsular. Another detail, helping to determine the context the dagger functioned in, is the ornamental design put on its handle. The particular design is identical to the one decorating the bronze mirrors that are often found along with daggers…

Traditional Bladed Weapons of Vietnam. The Problems of Terminology

Vetyukov V. (2015). Tradicionnoe klinkovoe oruzhie V’etnama. Problemy terminologii [Traditional Bladed Weapons of Vietnam. The Problems of Terminology]. Istoricheskoe oruzhievedenie [Weapons History Journal], № 2, pp. 12 — 27. Vetyukov V. Abstract: The article describes the problems of terminology in such a very little-studied field as the Vietnamese weapons. The development of Vietnamese military tradition faced intense Chinese influence. Major weapon types as well as the terminology for their designation were borrowed from China, which acted both as a cultural contributor and a ravenous aggressor seeking to regain the control over the lost southern territories. Having creatively elaborated the Chinese borrowings and accepted Japanese, Thai-Burmese and later even European elements, the Vietnamese craftsmen gradually developed a specific local set of weapons. In the article there is made an attempt to define a correct terminology for the Vietnamese bladed weapons, to mark out its main types and trace back the history…

Vietnamese Bladed Melee Weapon of 19th – first half 20th Century. The Problems of Attribution

Barczewski S. (2015). Klinkovoe holodnoe oruzhie V’etnama XIX- pervoj poloviny HH vv. Problemy atribucii [Vietnamese Bladed Melee Weapon of 19th – first half 20th Century. The Problems of Attribution]. Istoricheskoe oruzhievedenie [Weapons History Journal], № 2, pp. 5 — 11. Barczewski S. Abstract: The article is devoted to the problems concerning the attribution of the Vietnamese bladed melee weapon of 19th – first half 20th century. The objects of this time span can’t be estimated as extremely rare as they are preserved in the museums and private collections while quite often they are wrongly described as the Chinese ones though. Notwithstanding their evident outward similarity rooted in the strongest multicultural influence of China on its southern neighbor the Vietnamese bladed weapon had got its distinguished features in its construction, materials and ornamentation elements that were used. The author accents these features and proposes to use the most characteristic ones as…

An Attempt to Develop a Lecture Course Titled «Introduction to Historical Weaponology

Samgin S. (2015). Opyt razrabotki lekcionnogo kompleksa «Vvedenie v Istoricheskoe oruzhievedenie» [An Attempt to Develop a Lecture Course Titled «Introduction to Historical Weaponology]. Istoricheskoe oruzhievedenie [Weapons History Journal], № 1, pp. 124 — 135. Samgin S. Abstract: For the longest time Historical Weaponology has been recognized as an auxiliary historical discipline. However in Russia it has not been developed into a separate branch of science yet because of the interruption in professional studies, lack of activities in academic publishing and translating of foreign works during the Soviet period. Today Historical Weaponology in Russia is successfully winning the lost ground though the problem with training of future experts in this field exists and still there are no educational programs on Historical Weaponology in Russia. Meanwhile, such programs would be able not only contribute to the increase of interest in historical weapons, but lay the ground for the specialization of professional historians as…

The Self-made Submachine Guns Used by Belorussian Soviet Partisans During World War II

Loparev A. (2015). Samodel’nye pistolety-pulemety v belorusskom sovetskom partizanskom dvizhenii perioda Velikoj Otechestvennoj vojny [The Self-made Submachine Guns Used by Belorussian Soviet Partisans During World War II]. Istoricheskoe oruzhievedenie [Weapons History Journal], № 1, pp. 70 — 81. Loparev A. Abstract: The article concerns the manufacturing process of submachine guns, both copies and true weapon systems during the guerilla fighting in Belarus in 1941-1943. In the days of World War II the strongest in Europe anti-Nazi guerilla stir was active on the occupied territories of the Belarus Soviet Republic. By 1943 scattered groups of fighters had been organized in a strong well developed structure and to fill in the automatic firearms shortage submachine guns manufacturing was started. It is these weapons the emphasis first of all was made on because the guerilla tactics of “attack-stepback” sought high intensity automatic fire in a short span of time. Mechanical workshops fitted for…

“Southern” and “Northern” Bows in the “Hunting weapons” Collection of the State Darwin Museum

Miloserdov D. (2015). «Juzhnyj» i «severnyj» luki v kollekcii «Orudija lova» Gosudarstvennogo Darvinovskogo muzeja [“Southern” and “Northern” Bows in the “Hunting weapons” Collection of the State Darwin Museum]. Istoricheskoe oruzhievedenie [Weapons History Journal], № 1, pp. 101 — 111. Miloserdov D. Abstract: Two different types of bows from the collection of the State Darwin Museum are described in the article. The first one is the voghul bow or the “northern bow” as the author calls it. The “voghul” is a legacy name of the Mansi, a low-numbered indigenous community of the Khanty-Mansi autonomous District in Russia. The bow belongs to the composite type. Its long arms (totally 185 cm long) consists of the back and the inner plate glued together and fixed additionally with tendinous fiber wrapped in six points. The wood is of different species. The technology of string manufacturing permits to attribute the bow to the Mansi. The…

For Stabbing or for Cutting? The Ways of Dagger Use by the Caucasus Peoples in the 19th century

Sheremetyev D. (2015). Kolot’ ili rubit’. Primenenie kinzhala u narodov Kavkaza v XIX veke [For Stabbing or for Cutting? The Ways of Dagger Use by the Caucasus Peoples in the 19th century]. Istoricheskoe oruzhievedenie [Weapons History Journal], № 1, pp. 30 — 56. Sheremetyev D. Abstract: The article is devoted to different aspects of dagger use in the Caucasus region in the 19th century. The technique possibilities of cutting and stabbing were analyzed in depth as well as the cultural norms connected with these ways of dagger use. Indeed, contemporary ethnologists and linguists document it is cutting that must be practiced by a warrior attached to his dignity while stabbing was considered to be “too easy” to exercise. Consequently in accordance with the cultural norms and rules a warrior mustn’t have aimed to win a combat using the methods which were the easiest and strongest ones. The fight was probably…