Publisher and Editorial Board of the Weapons History Journal (WHJ) act in accordance with standards of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)

The Publisher is obliged:

  • to establish the clear relationship between the Publisher, the Editor-in-Chief, the Editorial Board, reviewers and authors;
  • to safeguard intellectual property, reserve copy rites and protect the confidentiality of all the information received;
  • not to interfere with the editor-in-chief, the editorial board and reviewer activity;
  • to help along the maintaining ethics standards by the Editor-in-Chief, the Editorial Board, reviewers and authors;
  • to publish papers at free access on a non-profit basis;
  • to publish corrections and remarks, explanations, contestations and apologies when it is necessary;
  • to place information on the research financial support in case the information is presented in the article;
  • to provide the publication frequency.

The Editor-in Chief and the Editorial Board are obliged:

  • to maintain publication ethics;
  • to guarantee pre-reading of the papers by the specialists with adequate experience and skills, while papers by the members of the editorial board and reviewers are discussed and reviewed as fairly as are the papers by other authors;
  • to assure the scientific certainty of the publications;
  • to judge whether a paper is accepted or rejected for publishing on the grounds of its scientific value, authenticity, coherence, accuracy of the information presented and its affinity with the remit of the journal;
  • to safeguard intellectual property and copy rites, protect the confidentiality of all the information received;
  • to publish corrections and remarks, explanations, contestations and apologies when it is necessary;
  • to prevent the literary piracy and crooked data publication;
  • to analyze eagerly the fair criticism of the published articles and enable authors to respond to;
  • to publish readily the results of the research which contradict the information published in the journal;
  • to correct mistakes and discombobulating statements instantly and inform of the corrections made;
  • to provide writers free access to the publishing requirements;
  • to choose appropriate reviewers for the papers reviewing;
  • to inform the reviewers of being secretive about the papers reviewed;
  • to ask the reviewer of any information on possible conflict of interest;
  • to ensure anonymity of reviewers and authors;
  • to encourage reviewers to comment authenticity of reviewed paper and pay attention on possible literary piracy and second time publication;
  • to let writers know about all the comments by the reviewer;
  • to guarantee non-commercial grounds of the editor decisions;
  • to guarantee not to trade on unpublished data from papers sent for pre-reading and not to hand it over without the author’s written permission;
  • to take into consideration comments made by reviewer on making final decision, concerning the publication of the reviewed paper;
  • to defend a decision on acceptance or rejection of a paper;
  • to secure writer’s right to defend the proposed scientific viewpoint;
    not to neglect claims and protests on pre-read papers or published articles, and to take all the necessary measures to  restore infringed rights in case of conflict;
  • to correct immediately all the errors, if published, in the form readily understandable for the audience and index systems;
  • to support the writers, whose copyright was infringed, or victims of literary piracy;
  • to assist activity on copyright protection whenever it concerns the journal directly or not;
  • to comply with requirements of law on personal data protection including, in particular, the requirements of the Russian Federation federal law № 152-ФЗ “On personal data”, dated 27.07.2006;
  • to settle all the conflicts between the Publisher, Editor-in-Chief, Editorial Board and its members, reviewers and authors in accordance with the standards of СОРЕ (Committee on Publication Ethics).

Ethical basis of the reviewer work:

  • to respond to an offer to pre-read a paper and write a review without delays;
  • to make clear the inability to write a review, in case the field of the particular research is studied by him or her insufficiently;
  • to say openly about the grounds of all the possible conflicts of interest, concerning the writing of review;
  • to refuse to write a review, in case of taking part in the research under pre-reading;
  • to keep all the details of both a paper and a review under wraps;
  • to safeguard intellectual property and copy rites, protect the confidentiality of all the information received;
  • to inform about the incidents of literary piracy, if identified, as well as varied adoptions and borrowings, vast self-citations, overlapping and other lacks of correspondence with the urgency of current research;
  • not to contact directly with writers without permission by the Editorial Board;
  • to pay attention of the Editorial Board to the published works on the topic of the paper under reviewing, if they are not listed or pointed out in it;
  • to analyze papers objectively in a well-argued manner and provide clear recommendations without personal criticism of the author;
  • to provide the objective and clear notes aiming solely to raise the scientific outcome of the research;
  • to make a decision on the grounds of concrete facts, and present evidence of the decision made;
  • not to use for self-serving reasons the information, presented in the paper pre-read, before its publishing.

Writers are obliged:

  • to provide for publication only trustworthy and original results of the research, taking into consideration that borrowing without a proper note is estimated by Editorial Board as literary piracy;
  • not to allow the repeating of the information once published, as well as vast self-citations, varied adoptions and borrowings, while in case of using the data which have been already published, it is necessary to note it and point to the otherness of the newly made research;
  • to mark all the people, who one or another way influenced the research, and note all the published works that were important for the investigation;
  • to maintain ethic norms on criticizing and commenting research of other people;
  • not to mark among co-writers the people, who didn’t participated in the research directly;
  • to hold in respect the work of the Editorial Board and reviewers, to improve the paper in accordance with their reasonable notes in time or object in a well-argued manner;
  • to follow the rules and requirements of the Editorial Board on the writing and preparing a paper;
  • to inform the editorial board immediately on errors and mistakes, if found on its pre-reading or publishing;
  • to present evidence of the accuracy of the paper first variant or correct substantial errors in case the Editorial Board was informed about them by other people.