Dvalishvili L. B. (2021). K voprosu o genealogii oruzhejnika Geurka [Concerning the Genealogy of the Master of Cold Weapons Geurk]. Istoricheskoe oruzhievedenie [Weapons History Journal], № 10, pp. 78 — 116.

Dvalishvili L. B.

Abstract: The article contains new and little-known facts about the life of the renowned master of cold weapons Geurk.

The author sets the goal to introduce various biographical data about Geurk into scientific circulation since the dissemination of false information about this person is partly caused by an insufficient number of sources. It involves the fact that most archival documents are not processed or published while available data are scattered in numerous publications and lack sufficient attention. In addition, most historical works are aimed at limited groups of Georgian-speaking specialists which makes them inaccessible to Russian-speaking audience. These documents are often overlooked; hence the information gap surrounding the subject remains unbridged. Thus, the article might be informative for interested readers.

The article reveals Geurk’s real last name (Eliarashvili), introduces its form adopted into the Russian language and the reasons for its erroneous spelling. Archival documents dating from the middle of the 17th century determine places of Eliarashvili family business and their territorial possessions in Poladauri Gorge which is one the metallurgical centers in Georgia.

The article examines applications and documents submitted to relevant departments by Geurk himself in order to restore his noble status. Eliarashvili family tree which is also introduced in the article traces the male line of Geurk’s ancestors and their place in the history of the Kingdom of Georgia.

Furthermore, the article provides information about Geurk’s family members, his place of birth as well as years of his life which is of practical value in terms of correct attribution and assessment of collectible weapons.

Keywords: Tiflis, wootz, Geurk, Georgia, master of cold weapons, Eliarov, Eliarashvili.

Category: Articles

Received: February 15, 2021 Accepted: April 12, 2021 Published: June 25, 2021

License: Copyright © 2021 The Author, The Center of Support and Development of Actual Research in the Field of Historical Weaponry (АНО «Центр поддержки и развития актуальных исследований в области Исторического оружиеведения»). This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons CC-BY license (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.