The list must be provided in English:
- publications written in all the languages except English must be transliterated and translated in English;
- the list must be organized in the line with the Latin alphabet.
The main features of the procedure:
- names of all the authors of publication are mentioned and separated by commas;
- surnames and initials are NOT separated by a comma.
Zagurenko A.G., Korotovskikh V.A., Kolesnikov A.A., Timonov A.V., Kardymon D.V.
- the title of a book (monograph) is put in italics;
- in case of an article, it is the title of a journal or collected papers that is italicized!
- the title of a source or publication must be transliterated, then without any point or comma its translation in English is provided in square brackets;
- the title of a journal or collected papers must be also transliterated and after it an English translation put in square brackets is given;
- in case of proceedings of a conference with its title in English, it is this English title that is provided only!
- if the publishing house belongs to an institution, the name of the institution must be translated in English like:
Moscow St. Univ. Publ.
- if the publishing house has its own name, it must be also transliterated and provided with definition Publ. like:
Nauka Publ.
- for the article from a journal its volume, issue or year of publication, and number must be mentioned like:
vol. 5, i. 2. or 2013, no. 7.
- in case of monography (book), the overall number of pages must be marked;
- in case of a separate article only its pages in the corpus mast be given like:
221 p. or pp. 54-57 correspondingly.
The samples for the references preparation
Shotton, M. A. (1989). Computer addiction? A study of computer dependency. London, England: Taylor & Francis. 464 p.
Karminskiy A.M., Peresetskiy A.A., Petrov A.E. (2005). Reytingi v ekonomike: metodologiya i praktika [Ratings in economics: Methods and practice]. Moscow, Finansy i statistika Publ., 240 p.
- reference to a translated publication:
if the publication is in English, the authors’ names must be provided in English spelling as well as the original English title of the publication must be marked in its original version but not in the back translation.
Stone G.C. (2008). A Glossary of the Construction, Decoration and Use of Arms and Armor: in All Countries and in All Times. Jack Brussel Pub., 1961. 694 p. (Russ. ed.: Stoun D. K. Oruzhie i dospehi vseh vremjon i narodov. Moscow, Astrel’ Publ. 767 p.).
Timoshenko S.P., Young D.H., Weaver W. (1985). Vibration problems in engineering. 4 th ed. New York, Wiley, 1974. 521 p. (Russ. ed.: Timoshenko S.P., Iang D.Kh., Uiver U. Kolebaniia v inzhenernom dele. Moscow, Mashinostroenie Publ. 472 p.).
Brooking A., Jones P., Cox F. (1984). Expert systems. Principles and case studies. Chapman and Hall. 231 p. (Russ. ed.: Bruking A., Dzhons P., Koks F. Ekspertnye sistemy. Printsipy raboty i primery. Moscow, Radio i sviaz’ Publ., 1987. 224 p.).
- chapter in the collected papers edited by:
Haybron, D. M. (2008). Philosophy and the science of subjective well-being. In M. Eid and R. J. Larsen (eds.), The science of subjective well-being, pp. 17-43. New York, NY:
Guilford Press.
Kulikov, V. A., Sannikov, D. V., & Vavilov, V. P. (1998). Use of the acoustic method of free oscillations for diagnostics of reinforced concrete foundations of contact networks. Defektoskopiya, (7), 40-49.
Kaplin, V. V., Uglov, S. R., Bulaev, O. F., Goncharov, V. J., Voronin, A. A., Piestrup, M. A. (2002). Tunable, monochromatic x rays using the internal beam of a betatron. Applied Physics Letters, 80(18), 3427-3429.
Zagurenko A.G., Korotovskikh V.A., Kolesnikov A.A., Timonov A.V., Kardymon D.V. (2008). Tekhnikoekonomicheskaya optimizatsiya dizaina gidrorazryva plasta [Techno-economic optimization of the design of hydraulic fracturing]. Neftyanoe khozyaistvo [Oil Industry], (11), 54-57.
Usmanov T.S., Gusmanov A.A., Mullagalin I.Z., Muhametshina R.Ju., Chervyakova
A.N., Sveshnikov A.V. (2007). Osobennosti proektirovaniya razrabotki mestorozhdeniy s primeneniem gidrorazryva plasta [Features of the design of field development with the use of hydraulic fracturing]. Trudy 6 Mezhdunarodnogo Simpoziuma “Novye resursosberegayushchie tekhnologii nedropol’zovaniya i povysheniya neftegazootdachi” [Proc. 6th Int. Technol. Symp. “New energy saving subsoil technologies and the increasing of the oil and gas impact”]. Moscow, pp. 267-272.
APA Style, Available at: (accessed 5 February 2011).
Rules for the Citing of Sources [Pravila Tsitirovaniya Istochnikov]. Available at: (accessed 7 February 2011)
- reference to an article in an electronic journal:
Kontorovich A.E., Korzhubaev A.G., Eder L.V. (2006)/ Prognoz global’nogo jenergosnabzhenija: metody, kolichestvennye ocenki i prakticheskie vyvody [Forecast of global energy supply: Techniques, quantitative assessments, and practical conclusions]. Mineral’nye resursy Rossii. Ekonomika i upravlenie [Mineral resources of Russia. Economics and Management], no. 5. Available at: (accessed 22.05.2012).
- reference to an article put on-line:
Kondrat’ev V.B. Global’naya farmatsevticheskaya promyshlennost’ [The global pharmaceutical industry]. Available at: nnost_2011-07-18.html. (accessed 23.06.2013).
- references to the figures put legally on-line should be made as footnotes like:
…as a sword the weapon is described on the site of the Metropolitan museum23. 23
Semenov V.I. (2003). Matematicheskoe modelirovanie plazmy v sisteme kompaktnyi tor. Diss. dokt. fiz.-mat. nauk [Mathematical modeling of the plasma in the compact torus. Dr. phys. and math. sci. diss.]. Moscow. 272 p.
Grigor’ev Iu.A. (1996). Razrabotka nauchnykh osnov proektirovaniia arkhitektury raspredelennykh sistem obrabotki dannykh. Diss. dokt . tekhn. nauk [Development of scientific bases of architectural design of distributed data processing systems. Dr. eng. sci. diss.]. Moscow, Bauman MSTU Publ. 243 p.
Atmanova Ju.G. (2013). Portret v mogol’skoi miniatjurnoj zhivopisi XVI-XIX vekov (ikonografija, tipologija, semantika). Diss. kand. iskusstvovedenija [Portrait in Mogul miniature painting of the 16th-19th centuries (iconography, typology, semantics). Thesis for the Candidate’s Degree in Art history]. Moscow.
- reference to the synopsis of a thesis:
Galerkina O.I. (1951). Material’naja kul’tura Srednej Azii i Horasana HV-HVI vv. po dannym miniatjur leningradskih sobranij. Avtoreferat diss. kand. istoricheskih nauk [Material culture of Central Asia and Khorasan XV-XVI centuries according to the miniatures of the Leningrad meetings. Abstract of thesis for the Candidate’s Degree in historical sciences]. Leningrad.
- references to anonymous papers:
Russian Pharmaceutical Market. Results of 2010. The Analytical Review. DSM Group, 2011. 74 p. (In Russ.).
Acts collected by the Caucasian Archeographic Commission (1884). Tiflis. Vol. IX. (In Russ.).
Preparation of references in other languages
- in this case the original title of a publication is also provided along with its English translation put in square brackets afterwards:
Heim, C., Schoettker, P., Spahn, D.R. (2004). Glasgow coma score für den patienten mit schädel-hirn-trauma [Glasgow Coma Scale in traumatic brain injury]. Anaesthesist [Anesthetist], 53 (12). pp. 1245-1256.
- if the spelling of a language is not based on the Latin alphabet and the correct English variant of transliteration is not known, only the English translation of a publication title is provided:
[Report about the Development of Energy Resources in China – 2007]. Ed. …(Chinese surnames must be transliterated in English ). Beijing, …, 2007 (in chin.).