Chemical composition of blades as an attributing feature for bulat steels of the Indo-Persian region of the 17th-19th centuries

Khaidakov K.S., Sukhanov D.A. (2024). Himicheskij sostav klinkov kak atribucionnyj priznak bulatnyh stalej Indo-Persidskogo regiona XVI-XIX vekov [Chemical composition of blades as an attributing feature for bulat steels of the Indo-Persian region of the 17th-19th centuries]. Istoricheskoe oruzhievedenie [Weapons History Journal], № 13, pp. 161 — 266. Khaidakov K.S., Sukhanov D.A. Abstract: The article is devoted to historical bulat blades of the Indo-Persian region. Based on a range of sources, the article reveals that comprehensive studies on historical bulat steels have been sporadic over the last hundred years due to an insufficient number of bulat samples suitable for experiments to determine patterns between steel composition, structure and properties. Attention is drawn to the fact that attribution of certain bulat blades from the collection of K.S. Khaidakov and D.A. Sukhanov raised doubts about their production time and their region of origin. Standard typological attributive features of oriental bulat blades were combined with…

Sukhanov D. A.

Information about the author Dr. Dmitry A. Sukhanov — the Director of the ASK-MSC Company (metallurgy), (Moscow, Russia). All of author’s article Chemical composition of blades as an attributing feature for bulat steels of the Indo-Persian region of the 17th-19th centuries

From the history of Western Georgian filigree. Master Philippe “Philu” Dzadzamidze

Dvalishvili L.B. (2024). Iz istorii zapadnogruzinskoj filigrani (Master Filipp «Philu» Dzadzamidze) [From the history of Western Georgian filigree. Master Philippe “Philu” Dzadzamidze]. Istoricheskoe oruzhievedenie [Weapons History Journal], № 13, pp. 82 — 160. Dvalishvili L.B. Abstract: The article examines a little-explored aspect of the Western Georgian tradition of filigree based on examples of arms decoration in this technique. It also briefly describes previously uncovered life and creative path of the goldsmith Philippe “Philu” Dzadzamidze whose original works are widely represented in museums and private collections. Despite the fact that filigree technique occurs in Georgia since the ancient period, modern weaponology has so far been confined to the consideration of Georgian items mainly of the 19th century, as it was from the middle of the 19th century when arms decorated with filigree became popular in Western Georgia. Such arms were made in different cities of Western Georgia, in particular in Kutaisi, Khoni,…

On ceremonial arms of Russian sovereigns’ pilgrimages in the last quarter of the 17th century

Orlenko S.P., Novoselov V.R. (2024). O ceremonial’nom oruzhii palomnicheskih pohodov russkih gosudarej poslednej chetverti XVII stoletija [On ceremonial arms of Russian sovereigns’ pilgrimages in the last quarter of the 17th century]. Istoricheskoe oruzhievedenie [Weapons History Journal], № 13, pp. 43 — 81. Orlenko S.P., Novoselov V.R. Abstract: The article studies the changes in the set of ceremonial arms used at the royal court in the second half of the 17th century. The Smolensk campaign of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich (1654-1656) was the starting point of active changes in the court ceremonial. The subsequent period brings tumultuous changes in ceremonial practice of the Russian court: at this time, the most spectacular and exotic elements of arms and equipment are borrowed from both the West and the East. Two-handed swords showed up in the hands of Tsar’s ceremonial guards, winged horsemen met foreign legations, hundreds of colored kuyaks, round shields, “snake spears”, Kalmyk caps,…

The sabre of Ibrahim Pasha, the Kaffa serasker, as a relic of the Russo-Turkish War (1768-1775)

Novoselov V.R. (2024). Sablja seraskira Kafy – relikvija Russko-tureckoj vojny 1768-1774 gg. [The sabre of Ibrahim Pasha, the Kaffa serasker, as a relic of the Russo-Turkish War (1768-1775)]. Istoricheskoe oruzhievedenie [Weapons History Journal], № 13, pp. 9 — 42. Novoselov V.R. Abstract: The article studies a group of sabres which entered Moscow Armoury Chamber between 1809-1811 as part of a group of arms stored in the Court Stable Department in St. Petersburg. In cold arms inventory of Moscow Armoury Chamber compiled in 1862 by Lukian Yakovlev and published in 1884, one of the sabres was wrongly attributed as delivered from Imperial Ryust-kamera. However, the author of the article identified it as belonging to serasker Ibrahim Pasha, the Turkish army chief in Crimea during the Russo-Turkish War of 1768-1774. The author managed to document that, surrendered to the Russian troops, he kept his sabre with him and later presented it together with…